Bigss Events

Here at BIGSS, we believe that acting as a change agent for youth is more than our civic duty. It is our moral obligation to provide guidance, support, friendship, and fellowship. 

Take a Look at all of Our Past Events!

Visit our Calendar of Events to learn more about upcoming events and join us!

BIGSS Kick Off Event at City Ice Pavilion! 

Indoor cycling and workout at CYC Fitness!

On January of 2018 BIGSS launched our very first kick off event! We welcomed teens to City Ice Pavilion, an indoor ice rink located in Long Island City, New York. Our successful event was intended to further encourage interaction between teens while promoting health benefits to the youth.

Ready to start your day?

We know most teens love to sleep in and stay on their iPhones checking out the latest posts, especially on the weekends!

Since May of 2018, the young women of BIGSS broke that lazy rhythym by partnering with CYC Fitness and organizing a monthly indoor, high-intensity cycling class.

Our mornings began with an intense cycling period, followed by an in-depth discussion of how to mantain a healthy body and mind. We stressed the importance of keep physically active, connecting with friends and family, maintaining a healthy balanced diet, and keeping a positive attitude in life!

Online Tutoring

With the closing of schools due to Covid-19, many families that depended on them to educate their children had to turn to remote learning. In April of 2020, BIGSS partnered up with the Hispanic community of Little Sisters of Assumption (LSA) in East Harlem, NY. The young women of BIGSS dedicated their time to tutoring younger students through online sessions. BIGSS helped the students continue to improve their reading levels and understand difficult math concepts even through these tumultuous times.  The children were so excited to "see" someone outside their family circle, and to share what they missed about school and their normal lives. What better way to share quality time  with little ones? 

Masks On!

The COVID-19 pandemic has devastatingly impacted millions of people worldwide so over the summer of 2020, BIGSS made sure to keep the teens spirits high! Even though everyone was homebound, BIGSS members continued to be safely engaged with our community. We made our own face masks in the safety of our homes, and distributed MEDICAL GRADE surgical masks to all HIGH-RISK GROUPS such as senior citizens and low income communities in East Harlem that lacked proper supplies. Let's continue to STAY SAFE! 


Due to the pandemic, many parents and children have opted to work and study from home. In October 2020, BIGSS addressed this new way of life! BIGSS teens assembled creative DIY Art Kits and distributed them to the children of our local community in need.  Included in the kit were: stickers, puzzles, coloring pages, story pages and so much more! Let's keep those little minds actively engaged with fun, simple games and interactive art projects!

DIY Art Kits for Pre-K & K Kids